The Lost Owari Tokugawa Treasure

It is said that during the first part of the seventeenth century Ieyasu Tokugawa head of the Tokugawa clan had infact buried treasure on Mount Akagi, Gunma Prefecture.
The location has never been discovered.
Ieyasu’s wealth was legendary so many treasure hunters have tried to find the lost treasure without success.


Then there is the story of Yoshinao Tokugawa the favorite son of Ieyasu, who had also allegedly buried treasure in a well in the main tower of Nagoya castle.
The story goes that golden coins were deposited into the well for safe keeping, and also to improve the quality of the water.

However before you think going down into the depths of the castles well on a treasure hunting venture, you should be aware that these golden coins had all mysteriously disappeared by the time of the Meiji restoration.

Was the loot stash moved by the Tokugawa family to another location nearby or stolen by the Meiji governments soldiers after they took over the castle in 1868 after the fall of the Tokugawa Dynasty?

Golden coins were deposited into the well

It could be said the persistence of these legends is partly due to the popularity of the classic novel Treasure Island, which includes a hunt for buried pirate treasure.

But even if buried treasure is mostly fictional…that doesn’t have to stop us from following those treasure maps today!

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Secret Underground Tunnel In The Nagoya Castle Connected To The City

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