Golden Kettle was made from…?

The main tower was burnt down during the WW2.

The golden dolphins were melted down but later a 22-carat golden kettle was created and now displays at ground floor in the main tower and tea house in Ninomaru garden.

Diameter:252mm, Hight:223mm


You can enjoy tea from this kettle at tea house every Friday.


Green tea and sweet.


What is tea ceremony?

It is the art and ritual of serving special powdered tea.
It originated in the monasteries of Zen Buddhism, but today it is regarded as a form of artistic discipline for the cultivation of mental composure and elegant manner.

Tea was introduced from China in 8th century by Buddhist monks and used only at temples for religious purposes.
At the end of 16th century, new style of tea ceremony was created by Sen no Rikyu and spread among samurai class as well as other classes.

Rikyu was a personnel tea master of the two great historical figures, Oda Nobunaga and Tycoon Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Tea ceremony functioned as an official reception.
Samurai valued and collected tea utencils and art objects to create memorable tea ceremony.
Nobunaga used tea ceremony for political purposes.
He invited some rich merchants in Osaka to his tea ceremonies and managed to get trust and support from them.
Tycoon Toyotomi Hideyoshi was famous for his flamboyant taste.
He owned a portable golden tea room so he can enjoy tea ceremony in the room of the gold wherever he wanted.

Each tea utensils are placed in an exact arrangement according to the particular style of tea-making procedure (temae) being performed.
The host will place some green tea powder in the bowl and add hot water, then whisk the tea.
The guest raises the bowl in a gesture of respect to the host, then rotates the bowl to avoid drinking from its front.
Drink and enjoy the taste.
Once you finished, rotate the bowl again to its original position and put it down.

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