Gold Decoration of the Nagoya Castle

A thin sheet of gold are used for gilding.

An embossed golden door-pull with recessed center for fingertip insertion serves both functional and decorative purposes on a papered fusuma panels.










In the Edo period, Japan discovered the gold mine on the island of Sado and started to produce gold actively.
Total production for this mine was about 78 tons of gold and 2,300 tons of silver.

The Tokugawa family owned the island so they kept all the gold for themselves.
Gold was used for decoration of their residences.

The gold mine of Sado island is closed.
Only one gold mine operates today.
Hishikari gold mine in Kyusyu island is one of the best in the world.
The mine has produced 165 tons of gold so far and expecting to produce another 150 tons!

Venetians merchants and traveller, Marco Polo described in his journal “The Travels of Marco Polo” about the golden country of Jipang.
Some reserchers believe that the image is actually Japan!

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The symbol of Nagoya castle
From gold coins to golden dolphin
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